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b.d.h 為 [bi.du.haev] 的子品牌。擁有相同具實驗性、探索性,以及不願妥協設計的基因,卻不同於  [bi.du.haev] 的手工工藝製造。

b.d.h 以可量產為基礎,選擇通用的製造工法,設計出優化實用性,去除不符合目的或是違背目的的生活物件,節約資源,儘可能地減少實際污染與視覺污染為使用者的自我表達留出空間讓具有美感與實用的好設計,以更輕鬆的方式進入生活中。


b.d.h is a coffee and lifestyle goods brand under [bi.du.haev] It shares the same genes of experimental and uncompromising design exploration.

Different from [bi.du.haev]’s handmade customization, b.d.h chooses more universal manufacturing techniques and procedures to create stable and practical lifestyle objects. we uses universal manufacturing techniques to create practical lifestyle objects – 

 removing those that do not serve their purpose or go against it. 

This approach saves resources and minimizes actual and visual pollution, leaving space for users’ self-expression and allowing good designs that are both aesthetic and practical to enter into daily life more easily.

Through design thinking and putting concepts into practice, b.d.h aims to enhance users’ positive life experiences through interactions with their products.